So here I am one week into the new year. I’ve had the week to think more about my plans for 2018. It wasn’t too hard to set the time aside – the temperature has hovered around 10-15 degrees all weekend. It’s been a perfect weekend to snuggle next to my Westie and work on my writing. With a couple of weeks left of college break my home is still busy and full since it has been gathering place for my sons and their friends. It has been far from boring and has been reminiscent of those earlier high school years with kids in and out, laughing, eating me out of house and home, late nights and sleeping in mornings. I don’t mean to digress, I guess my point is, even with the house full of activity since the cold is keeping all of us in a bit, I was still able to spend time plotting out the beginning of my new year. I’m so excited about 2018!
I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted 2018 to be about inspiration, love, and hard work. Seeing these three words together on paper may not initially make a lot of sense. But these concepts keep ringing in my head, so I’m going with my gut and making these words my mantra for 2018. How am I going to do this? Well for now, I’m going to take this day-by-day focused on Inspiration, Love, and Hard Work.
My thoughts about Inspiration– I want to continue to be inspired by other Midsters and how they are making the most of living in the middle of their life and story. To be creatively inspired by continuing my love of photography and recent uptake of writing. I’ve been so inspired through photography this past year. Meeting people I would never have had the opportunity to meet if it wasn’t for photography. Hearing their stories, seeing how they live, what they enjoy, and what inspires them. I found the pictures and images I took, just a small window into their lives that they decided to share with me. I find this a real gift.

One of my adventurous photography clubs. Braving the cold temperatures for at least a short while this morning.

Such a privilege getting to know the hardworking watermen on the Chesapeake Bay.

My mom and I visiting Tennessee together.
When it comes to Love– wow, so much I want to say about this and will definitely write more about this in the near future. Just a four letter word but the true meaning of this can’t be summed up easily. For me and 2018, I’m nurturing this one with all my heart! As I’ve aged I realized that this is it, at least for me! Feeling the love, showing the love… I’ve been so blessed with a family I love so much, both my nuclear and extended family. One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Mother Theresa, “Love begins by taking care of the closest ones — the ones at home.” My two children are “one foot out the door” sort of speak, as they are now young adults. They are everything to me therefore, I’m dedicated to continuing to love them by showing them, telling them and nurturing this new shift in the relationship that is now mother and young adult versus mother and young child. And who can forget, as if my husband would ever let me, I still have a husband at home to love! I love him dearly. I consider “taking care of the closest ones” from Mother Theresa’s quote to mean more than those just at home as we become empty nesters. I’m fortunate to have both my parents still living. Though they are in Texas and I’m on the East Coast, I’m making them a priority this year. I did the same last year and want to continue to spend quality time with them. I’ve set aside time to make several visits home this coming year and my mother has become my routine travel buddy so I am blessed to see her quite a bit on the road. Adding to my extended family are my siblings. Sibling relationships can be complicated but I’m blessed with siblings that I love, adore, and enjoy spending time with. Nurturing these relationships comes easy to me- they are easy to love! I couldn’t finish writing about love and family without mentioning my cousins, nieces and nephew. Continuing to spend time with them and nurturing these relationships is something that also comes easy but takes time and effort since everyone has busy schedules. Last year, I started having dinner in the city once a month with my niece and cousin. Considering they are much younger than I am, they definitely find some young, hip and delicious spots to dine that I probably wouldn’t know exist. We are going to mix it up this year and add a few cooking classes to our outings. Washington is a vibrant city with a variety of entertainment options. I’m sure I’ll share more about this in future posts. Lastly, I’m intent on nurturing my friendships too. Oh, how I love my friends! This also is for another post and I can’t wait to share more about this with you. Having just said all of this, I think you can see that love to me is about relationships, that’s it and they so are important to me. This is what fills my soul.

Putting in some hard work and punches!
Hard work. I’ve always worked hard at least in my humble opinion. Having my first job at 14, putting myself through college, which wasn’t an easy task, and maintaining a job outside the home as I raised my family, these are all things I consider hard work. Admittingly, even though these things were hard, they brought lots of enjoyment and enrichment to my life. This year, I want to dig deep into those areas that might not initially bring enjoyment but are necessary and hard. The first on my list, commitment to a serious workout schedule. I’ve always exercised but not always as often or as consistent as I know I should. My physician told me at my age, I should be spending about one hour a day, 5-6 days a week doing rigorous exercise. So that’s it- I’m going to dig deep, even on days I have every excuse in the book not do so, I’m going to remember to “work hard” and get it done. I’m going to mix it up to keep it interesting and myself motivated. This morning I put in an exhausting workout at SolidCore. I’ve been going there for some time now and it really challenges me. I’ll definitely continue this routine a couple of days a week, hitting the gym one to two afternoons a week for strength training then power walking several mornings a week. I know without a doubt the benefits of exercise are invaluable and I need to make this non-negotiable for myself. Let’s see how I do. If you have any suggestions or advice for me about exercising, I’m all ears, just let me know.
Working hard for others is another challenge I was to take on this year. I volunteer now for 2 organizations in my community but this year, I want to get a little uncomfortable with it. I plan to step out of my comfort zone to work/volunteer in more vulnerable areas with those who really need it and are often overlooked because of the area they live in or their needs are too great. I feel strong about putting myself out there to really make a difference in places that most won’t. Truly doing something for others in great need.
I think my year is looking quite full and it’s only week one! So here it goes to Inspiration, Love , and Hard Work in 2018 as I continue to live with purpose, intent and a dash of adventure! Let me know what your intentions are for 2018. I’d love to hear about them and see how you are keeping them going throughout the year of 2018.