When summertime hits each year, I’m out on the water boating, tubing, kayaking or treasure hunting on the shores. This past summer I realized there is so much to discover that doesn’t have anything to do with being on the water that is just as much fun.
Though I’ve spent most of my summers for the last 6 years on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, it was just this past July I discovered the Crumpton Auction. What a great way to spend a summer’s day! Next time you are looking for a day trip, don’t forget to look up small town auctions near you. It was a wonderful day of finds and entertainment.

The larger item section of the auction is full of the old and not so old furniture and large tools.

All auction areas are simultaneously going on at the same time with each auctioneer leading the bidding from a large golf cart.

Crumpton Auction has a field of cardboard boxes and baskets waiting to be auctioned every Wednesday morning. The goods range from old door knobs to vintage toys. This field of treasures was my favorite.

Lots of small chat goes on between locals here. It’s obvious that this is a weekly gathering spot for many.

Someone’s junk might be another ones treasure!

Auction goers digging through boxes and baskets. This gives treasure hunting a whole new meaning.

Vintage toys and all their color are in abundance this morning at Crumpton’s Auction.

A morning enjoyed by all ages.