I headed out to the Chesapeake Bay hoping for some warmish weather since I planned on being outside cleaning up my yard. Several Nor’Easters in the last few weeks left the yard full of branches which will be used for summer evening bonfires.
I never was much of a gardener until about 5 or 6 years ago. Now I can’t wait to get my hands in soil and plant and care for God’s beauty. I’ve watched my mother create the most gorgeous gardens year after year, sweating and bending until late in the night. I hoping I’ve inherited a bit of her green thumb. My neighborhood has a garden club which I’ve always been curious about and I plan on joining it in May. I’m starting to definitely feel like a midlifer!
Do you spend time in your garden? If you have any good tips on Hydrangeas, roses, and deer resistant plants, I’d love to hear about them. Along the edge of my yard (in this picture) are Sedums but the deer have eaten them to the ground! Since this is a summer home and mainly weekends, the deer have basically moved right in and help themselves to dinner nightly.

The back yard looks as cold as the temperature today. I can’t wait for warmer temperatures and blooms that should be here in the next few weeks.

This is a drop in the pit of tree branches I cleaned out of the flower beds and front yard today. I have no doubt my boys will burn this as soon as they get here to the bay. Nothing like boys and bonfires.

These Dahlia bulbs are ready for planting and will provide wonderful annual color this summer. I especially like to cut Dahlias for fresh cut flowers brightening up the inside all summer long.

These large porch urns have plenty of room to bury bulbs for summer blooming and pansies on the surface giving some spring color.

Supply was low at the garden center with limited colors of pansies available. Purple pansies happen to be my favorite- lucky me because they will work perfect for my front yard.

Don’t you love perennials? They show up each year greeting me with splendid color!

Don’t forget to cut some of these beauties and bring them into the house. They are full of color and say Spring!

My absolute favorite flowers in my garden are the Hydrangeas. I love all varieties and colors. These pink ones are starting to bud and will brighten up my garden all summer long.

These two Boxwoods have weathered many winters and are maintenance free. Once the weather warms up, I’ll add some floral vines that will drape over the edges of these tall urns bringing color to the back deck.

I probably jumped the gun on purchasing these Ranunculus but I couldn’t resist them. I’ll keep them inside for a week or two until the outside temperatures warm up. This will be my first time to add Ranunculus to my bay garden. Wish me luck!

Cloudy spring days offer beautiful water reflections. This is a water reflection of the back of my house on the water.